Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Barney's has gone green!

Wow! Sorry it has been awhile. I hope you're not still waiting for my holiday decor post...I promise to put something up before the 25th. Instead, today I thought I'd take the time to tell you about one of my favorite things. Like Oprah, I too have some new things that have come into my life and I feel the need to share them with you. However, just to warn you, there's no free swag with my version and it's really just one thing. As you may or may not know, I love designer clothing. It's really the art aspect and desire to have my own label one day that seals that deal. Not to mention, the amazing retail stores, fabulous shopping bags, extra unhelpful sales people and the hot security guards in Gucci suits that really justify spending an outrageous amount of cash for something I probably didn't need in the first place. I just love it! Well, here in Central Texas, Target is about as upscale as it gets. So I have turned to the world wide web, aka my highway to the real world, to help me out this holiday season. ***HERE COMES THE REVEAL***
Ladies and Gentledudes, I give you my favorite thing: Barney's New York has gone Green for the Holidays!
MAKE ME GREEN and take me to BARNEY'S!
On their site they have these fabulous little webisodes about fashion and going green. They're fantastic and so much fun. Plus, anything about going green just makes me feel good. I can't wait 'til Wal*Mart goes green. (Insert sinister laugh here!) So, check it out and let me know what you think. Tomorrow, I'll have another fantastic, high fashion holiday have to, just for you.
Merryly Yours, Randy.